Foolproof Loose-Leaf Iced Tea Recipe

Nothing tastes like warm weather like a chilled pitcher of loose-leaf iced tea. The freshness you get from using loose-leaf tea as opposed to bagged tea makes a huge difference. With this foolproof iced tea recipe, you can impress your guests with your favorite black, oolong, green, white, or herbal tea served over ice.

For this recipe, we’ll be using the traditional hot-brew method.

Pitcher of Loose-Leaf Iced Tea

Ingredients and Tools for Loose-Leaf Iced Tea

  • 0.5oz of your favorite loose leaf tea (or 4 teaspoons—it depends on the size and texture of your tea leaves, so weight is a more true measurement)

  • 1 tea infuser or disposable tea filter

  • 1 large teapot or heat-safe bowl

  • 1 quart pitcher (for serving)

  • 2 trays of ice (about 2 cups worth of ice)

1: Heat Water

In your kettle, boil 2 cups of water. The desired water temperature depends on the type of tea you’re brewing. If you don’t have a thermometer on hand, don’t fret!

  • Black & Herbal: 212° F (full rolling boil)

  • Oolong: 195° F (the first bubbles begin to rise)

  • Green & White: 170-180° F (bubbles form on the bottom of the pot)

2: Infuse Tea Leaves

Place 0.5oz of your tea leaves in your infuser and set in your teapot or heat-safe bowl. Add the hot water and set your timer. We’re making a double-strength infusion so that your tea doesn’t get watered down when you add ice. Just because you’re icing your tea doesn’t mean you should over-steep it. Pay close attention to the steeping times:

  • Green & White: 2-3 minutes

  • Black: 3-5 minutes

  • Oolong: 4-7 minutes

  • Herbal/Fruit: 5-7 minutes

If you over steep your tea—black tea especially — it’ll have a burnt, smokey taste. You’ll just have to start again. Unfortunately, there’s no magic step to take.

3: Sweeten and Chill Your Tea

If you need to add sweetener to your tea, add it while it’s hot. If you want to serve your iced tea quickly, let your hot, steeped tea rest for 10 minutes. Pour over ice into your 1-quart pitcher.

To drink later, add 2 cups of room temperature water to your double-strength infusion. Let stand at room temperature for 10 minutes, then place in your refrigerator.

4: Serve and Enjoy!

Your loose-leaf iced tea should be as delicious as it is refreshing. For a fun bonus, you can make fruit juice or fruit puree ice cubes. For a white, green, or peach herbal tea, try freezing a peach juice or puree in an ice cube tray and serve in unsweetened iced tea. You’ll get little bursts of sweetness from your cube!

Cups of Loose-Leaf Iced Tea

Get Iced Tea Inspiration at Our Iced Tea Tastings

Cool off with a fun and delicious afternoon iced tea tasting, with a new menu of teas and desserts. Participants will taste eight of our loose-leaf teas and rate each one on their “tasting card.” Each iced tea will be perfectly paired with our homemade sweets. You will also learn more tips on how to brew the perfect iced tea at home and which teas are best for iced tea making. Cost is $30 per person inclusive.

Reserve your spot by calling 908.233.3562. Our iced tea tastings fill up quickly!


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